4 Critical Website Mistakes Made by Small to Mid-sized Businesses

It’s the 2020s. With few exceptions, all businesses have websites nowadays. Yet despite this, many businesses treat them as a bit of an afterthought. Maybe because websites are complex and intimidating things or perhaps it’s because they can be too expensive to actively maintain. Whatever the reasons, the fact of the matter is that, as…

Google My Business is Now Google Business Profile

Google My Business (GMB) is going to be seeing some changes in the coming months. Namely, Google My Business will now be branded Google Business Profile, and the Google My Business app will be retired in 2022 in favor of direct profile editing in Search or Maps. Google My Business is Now Called Google Business…

What your SEO agency doesn’t know can hurt you

No, this isn’t about the competency of your SEO agency. My guess is they’re good; you’ve hired them.  This is about communication. The people in your SEO agency are there to help you increase your business by improving the search results among important topic searches. As such, much of the conversation with the agency is…

Why do we need server-side tracking for Google Analytics?

Before we jump into server-side tracking for analytics it is important to understand the state of website tracking up to this point. For simplicity, we are going to use Google Analytics as the tracking tool for this discussion. But, the same ideas apply to virtually every analytics and user tracking tool out there. How site…

Google Ads: Another AI/ML Move To More Data-Driven Automation

As Google continues down the path of AI/ML-driven “everything”, advertisers are left with blind spots. The latest push came when Google announced that last-click attribution will be replaced by data-driven as the default for Google Ads. This, in and of itself, is neither good nor bad. What it means to you depends on your program. …

Google Update: How Google Changes Your SERPs Titles

Last week, Google confirmed that they changed the way they generate new webpage titles to appear on their results page (SERP). Does Google Change My Website’s Title Tag? Yes. Although you may not have noticed, Google has long experimented with systems that generate new title displays based on user search queries. Since 2012, they’ve altered…